Wrongful Termination Lawyer in Los Angeles
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Los Angeles Wrongful Termination Lawyers
Under California and federal law, you are entitled to restitution for emotional and economic harm if you have been wrongfully terminated in Los Angeles and surrounding areas. Standing up for yourself is also a way to help you process your feelings and emotions obtain the validation you desire. By contacting us, you will gain a wrongful termination attorney that will support you and be with you every step of the way. Strong relationships with our clients is key to our success.
Wrongfully losing your job is among the top five most stressful life events, according to
medical literature. The devastation from job loss and financial insecurity is particularly harmful
to your health and well-being if you were terminated illegally and unjustly because you were discriminated, harassed, or retaliated against.
Our Employee Rights Law Firm in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills specializes in defending employees who’ve been wrongfully terminated. We bring a combination of aggressiveness & experience to make sure you’re rightfully compensated for the damages caused to you.
Whether you were wrongfully terminated because of your race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age and any other protected category, you can trust Employee Rights Attorney Group to make things right. Free legal consultations, 100% no fees unless you win!
Why Hire Our Wrongful Termination Lawyers?
- Customized Defense: We achieve outcomes tailored to your goals
- Proven Results: We have achieved multi-million dollar outcomes, negotiated severance packages, and in some cases assisted in neutralizing ongoing hostility to enable clients to simply keep the job they loved and continue working
- Personal Communication: We remain in frequent contact to support you throughout the process
- Pre-Termination Preparation: We welcome the chance to work with you before you are actually terminated to help you navigate a hostile environment, especially if you believe a wrongful termination is imminent
- Unique Experience: We have years of defense experience and understand how Corporate outside and in house counsel evaluate and litigate cases.

Your Wrongful Termination Questions, Answered:
What Does "Employment-At-Will" Mean?
In California, employment is “at-will.” Generally, this means that your employer can fire you for any reason, even for an unfair reason, without notice or ability to tell your side. But “at-will” does not mean that no rules apply and that you have no protections.
When Can I Sue My Employer for Wrongful Termination in California?
There are many exceptions to the at-will rule. If you suspect that you were wrongfully terminated, please contact a wrongful termination lawyer to discuss your potential case. Under the guise or a pretense of a legitimate “at-will” termination, employers often carry out maliciously motivated, wrongful terminations. Just because an employer relies on the “at-will” doctrine and declines to admit that the termination was wrongful, it does not mean that you do not have a case. The cover-up may constitute evidence of guilt and pretext.
What Happens When Employers Violate Public Policy
It is illegal for an employer to terminate you for an unlawful reason or a purpose that contravenes a fundamental public policy. An employer’s obligation to refrain from firing an employee is a duty imposed by law on all employers. When an employer wrongfully terminates you in violation of a public policy against discrimination, retaliation, and other policies discussed below, it gives rise to a wrongful termination lawsuit.
What Qualifies as a Wrongful Termination in Violation of Public Policy?
- Discriminatory Termination: Termination based on protected characteristics such as race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, disability or health condition, sexual orientation, national origin, pregnancy and religion, are just some examples
- Retaliatory Termination for Objecting to Illegal Activity: Termination for complaining of or refusing to engage in what you reasonably believe is illegal conduct such as unlawful discrimination (see examples above), unsafe workplace practices including Cal/OSHA Violations, fraud, theft, any other violation of state or federal law
- Retaliatory Termination for Seeking Payment of Wages: Termination for complaining of misclassification as an independent contractor or exemption from overtime, attempts to obtain earned wages and meal and rest breaks, commissions and any other entitlements
- Retaliatory or Discriminatory Termination for Exercising Your Rights: Terminations for seeking medical leave or other medical accommodations and adjustments due to a temporary or permanent health condition, pregnancy, or seeking an accommodation to take care of a spouse or child and/or other CFRA/FMLA rights
- Retaliatory Termination Against Witnesses: It is also illegal for an employer to retaliate or discriminate against a witness who supports a victim of unlawful conduct or participate in an investigation
These are not all examples of a wrongful termination. Moreover, the same set of facts may give rise to multiple claims for wrongful termination. For example, if you were sexually harassed at work because of your gender and also retaliated against for complaining of sexual harassment, you may have causes of action for sexual harassment/gender discrimination as well as retaliatory termination. We encourage you to speak to a wrongful termination attorney at your earliest opportunity to learn about your rights to restitution.
You also have to file your case timely and follow all applicable administrative exhaustion requirements.
Wrongful Termination in Breach of Contract
Employees under an employment contract may have additional protections. A breach of contract occurs when one or more parties do not meet their agreed obligations. Agreed upon obligations are usually individual. Generally, there may be a clause that forbids your employer from discharging you without good cause. Often good causes will be defined to include specific violations of policies such as fraudulent activity, etc. In other words, Company cannot discharge at-will. Company must show that you actually violated a company policy. Some employment contracts require an employer to retain you for a specific period of time and failure to do so exposes the employer to liability and damages requiring your employer to pay out the remainder of the contract term. An employment contract may also include terms and provisions for stock options, vesting, bonuses and other entitlements. You may have a claim for breach of contract and a claim for wrongful termination in violation of public policy if your employer terminates you on the eve of benefits vesting to avoid paying out these benefits.
Examples of Wrongful Terminations and Unfair Practices that May Subject Your Employer to Liability
- Refusing to allow you to return to work after CFRA/FMLA leave or other medical leave where holding a job open did not pose an undue hardship
- Placing you on a performance improvement plan with unreasonable benchmarks to prevent you from succeeding and relying on this sabotage to terminate you for reporting sexual harassment
- Subjecting you to a racially hostile work environment that interferes with your ability to work
- Forcing you to work in unsafe work conditions leaving you no choice but to resign
- Firing you for demanding earned wages, meal and rest breaks, commissions
- Treating individuals outside your race/gender/age group more favorably in terms of promotions and other employment benefits
- Terminating you under pretextual reasons to replace you with someone substantially younger
- Punishing you for whistleblowing by smearing your reputation, denying your request for promotion, among other adverse actions
This is not a complete list of all the ways an employer violates the law. We provide free and confidential consultations to help you identify additional grounds for wrongful termination liability.
Terminating Whistleblowers is Illegal in California
Employees who do the right thing, speak up, or refuse to participate in illegal actions, are often wrongfully terminated for blowing the whistle on illegal activity. This article contains more detailed information about whistleblower termination.
A whistleblower may be a victim of an illegal practice who objects to ongoing illegal abuse. Examples of whistleblowers include:
- A woman saying no to sexual harassment
- An African-American man reporting that refusal to promote was race motivated
- A disabled employee complaining to Human Resources regarding supervisor’s refusal to accommodate her medical condition
A whistleblower may also be an observer of an illegal practice or safety issues, i.e., a nurse raising concerns of patient safety or a co-worker reporting that another employee was harassed because of his disability.
You may also be a whistleblower if you refuse to engage in an illegal practice directed by your employer.
Whistleblowers are also witnesses who assist in investigations into alleged corporate fraud or illegal activities or report corporations to third party government agencies.
Who is a Whistleblower?
A whistleblower may be a victim of an illegal practice who objects to ongoing illegal abuse. Examples of whistleblowers include:
- A woman saying no to sexual harassment
- An African-American man reporting that refusal to promote was race motivated
- A disabled employee complaining to Human Resources regarding supervisor’s refusal to accommodate her medical condition
- A whistleblower may also be an observer of an illegal practice or safety issues, i.e., a nurse raising concerns of patient safety or a co-worker reporting that another employee was harassed because of his disability.
- A whistleblower may also be anyone refusing to engage in an illegal practice
Constructive Wrongful Termination Cases
You have to show that you were either actually or constructively terminated from your job. In other words, you do not necessarily have to be fired to have a wrongful termination claim. A constructive discharge occurs when an employer engages in conduct that forces you to resign. Such a termination is treated as a firing. However, the work environment has to be both subjectively and objectively intolerable. In other words, just because the work environment is intolerable to you, it may not rise to what California finds to be objectively intolerable.
If you are forced to work under illegal conditions, e.g., without meal and rest breaks, without a medical accommodation, etc., you may have a claim for constructive termination if you resign. Continued harassment for whistleblowing or for discriminatory reasons may in some instances likewise evidence an objectively intolerable environment. All cases depend on the individual facts and circumstances. We can help you evaluate whether the circumstances may justify a constructive termination.
How to Value a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit
The remedies available include past and future economic and emotional distress damages as well as penalties. The extent of economic damages requires an individual analysis for each person. The following factors may be relevant:
- Value of your lost salary, benefits, bonus, and/or stock options
- How long it took you to find a substantially similar position
- Impact of the termination on your career growth
- Impact on your mental health and emotional state, which may also have physical manifestations
If you are terminated in your 50s and 60s, the time it will take you to find another job may be longer than for a person in his/her 30s and 40s resulting in greater economic loss and likely additional emotional distress from being among the long term unemployed.
The pain and suffering from the betrayal, humiliation, and hurt feelings from wrongful termination can reach extreme levels and may require treatment for years.
Types of Wrongful Termination Compensations
Our attorneys will keep you informed every step of the way as we advance your rights. Although each case is unique, we have successfully obtained the following types of compensation and relief for wrongful termination including:
- Past and Projected/Future Economic Losses
- Emotional Distress Damages
- Exemplary Damages (intended to penalize the Corporation to deter future misconduct)
- Unreimbursed Business Expenses
- Stock Options
- Unpaid wages, commissions, and other penalties for wage and hour violations
- Positive and/or neutral letter of recommendation
- Agreement prohibiting employer from defaming your reputation
- Job placement coaching
- A stipend for additional training
- Severance pay
3-Steps to a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit in California
The main question in a wrongful termination case is what motivated your termination? Your employer is unlikely to admit to unlawful conduct. Do not be discouraged just because you do not have a smoking gun admission. Circumstantial evidence may be just as persuasive. In many cases, the following 3-step process applies:
- The ball is in your court to identify the illegal reason for termination, e.g., “I was fired because I requested CFRA/FMLA leave.” Your attorney will help you evaluate your case to determine applicable bad faith motivations.
- The ball then shifts to the employer to present a legitimate business reason for termination, e.g., “No, she was fired because of poor performance.”
- You then get a chance to prove that the employer’s stated reasons are a pretext/cover for discriminatory and/or retaliatory motives or offer other evidence of unlawful motives.
How to Win a Wrongful Termination Case?
Los Angeles wrongful termination lawyers, such as Employee Rights Attorney Group, can help you prove your case. The type of circumstantial evidence that points to illegal/unlawful conduct varies in each situation. Among other factors, Courts pay attention to:
- Timing/proximity between the whistleblowing and the termination or other adverse actions. Did termination or adverse action closely follow complaints of illegal conduct? In some cases, however, employers may take their time to retaliate.
- Are the employer’s stated reasons for termination not credible? Is the employer lying?
- Are there other individuals (“me too” victims) who were discriminated or retaliated against in a similar way?
- Are you treated worse than your co-workers who are of a different race, gender, etc.?
- Has your employer responded to any complaints of unlawful conduct with appropriate remedial action or did more retaliation follow?
- Is there a financial motive to continue with illegal practices? For example, does the employer prioritize profit over safety?
- Are there other circumstances, texts, e-mails, documents, or witnesses to support your story? Documenting violations is incredibly important.
As attorneys that solely focus on employee rights; we know wrongful termination and have helped others that have lost jobs unfairly win their cases.
After a Wrongful Termination, What Should I Do?
- Reach out for help and support. Consider speaking with your former co-workers and/or former employees who were similarly mistreated. While ongoing mental health treatment may be cost prohibitive, your primary care physician may be able to help you manage your symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- Apply for Unemployment Insurance/EDD Benefits.
- Stages of grief include anger. Stay away from social media and consider cleaning up and/or being mindful of your online presence. If you are intent on bringing a claim, what you post will be scrutinized.
- Speak to a wrongful termination attorney. We can provide you with solutions tailored to your situation and discuss a way forward.
How Does The Complaint Process Work?
- A wrongful termination complaint is prepared by your attorney
- An attorney will usually gather important information from you to prepare an overview of your claims for the Court
- A wrongful termination complaint includes relevant facts and law forward.
Why Hire a Los Angeles Wrongful Termination Attorney?
Our clients often come to us during one of the most difficult times in their lives. A termination may leave you confused, hurt, angry and worried about providing for your family. The prospect of standing up against a corporation may be intimidating. Aggressive advocacy, knowledge, and hard work are the tenets of our practice. But those aspects are not enough for a successful outcome. We limit our caseload because a wrongfully terminated individual also needs guidance, answers, and information as to how to achieve a positive outcome.
Trust Employee Rights Attorney Group
Why trust Employee Rights Attorney Group? Most, if not all, the people that we had the privilege of helping have been professionals who have never pursued a lawsuit or ever thought they would ever be in such a situation. Our goal is to provide personalized representation and to remain responsive and supportive throughout the process.
Diana Gevorkian, our lead attorney, started her career defending employers. Now, she is able to utilize her skills to defend those on the other side who were wrongfully terminated in the Los Angeles area as an employee. She will always work with her clients to get the compensation they deserve.
Los Angeles Courts
Once the wrongful termination lawsuit process begins, you will get assigned a court date and location. It is always good to be informed and prepared before your court date arrives. Only 5 minutes from our Beverly Hills office is the Beverly Hills Courthouse off of Burton Way by the Golden Triangle. Just 6 miles west of our Culver City office is the Santa Monica Courthouse, right by the Santa Monica Pier. There are also dozens of other courthouses in Los Angeles County.
Our attorneys continue to push for the best outcome for our clients in courthouses all throughout Los Angeles County. With Diana’s background defending employers, she understands how the court system works in Los Angeles. Seeing both sides, Diana and all of our attorneys will fight next to you in court for the justice you deserve.
Our nearby courthouses:
Beverly Hills Courthouse
9355 Burton Way
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Santa Monica Courthouse
1725 Main St
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Don't Pay Fees Unless You Win
Although our wrongful termination attorneys do not work on a pro bono basis, we will not require or demand payment for services unless we win and obtain a favorable outcome for you. This means that we accept cases on a contingency basis.
Learn more about your ability to prove wrongful termination. We off free consultations to go over your potential claims.